pros and cons of eating meat
Introduction : Meat is a muscle tissue of mammals and birds. You must have listened to people saying that meat is healthy for you. But some people say it’s not right for you. There is always a debate between people for meat consumption. Meat contains all essential amino acids.that is why it is called complete protein. Types of meat : Meat can be categorized into three types White meat : Whit meat is light in color, unlike red meat. The primary source of white meat is birds and small mammals. Examples of white meat are Chicken Duck rabbit Turkey Fish Birds like quail Red meat : It is red in color when raw and has a dark color after cooking. It comes from mammals and higher in proteins than white meat. Examples of red meat are Beef Goat Lamb Deer Pork Veal Processed meat : Meat that is modified with the help of curing, smoking, drying, and salting is called processed meat. We modify it to preserve or to enhance its flavor. Examples of proces...